Thursday, December 26, 2019

Annotated Bibliography on Same-Sex Marriage

This annotated bibliography is meant to be an overview of my research towards a paper on same sex marriage. It evaluates four pieces of literature that I have chosen to use as external sources for my paper, providing a summary of the text and an argument for its relevancy: Case and Stewart’s (2009) study â€Å"Heterosexual Privilege Awareness, Prejudice, and Support of Gay Marriage Among Diversity Course Students,† Nussbaum’s (2010) article â€Å"A right to marry?†, Mills’ (2009) editorial â€Å"Its time to allow gay marriage in Australia,† and Australian Marriage Equality’s (2011) article â€Å"The Case for Marriage.† In my paper, I aim to use these sources to point out the logical fallacies in the arguments against gay marriage, as well as push for tolerance courses and diversity education as the key to addressing this systemic issue. Only then can the social attitudes regarding gays and lesbians ease up to the point where the case for marriage will no longer be so strongly opposed. The issue of same sex marriage is a very complex and difficult problem to solve; there is an entire minority group that wishes to be granted the same rights as heterosexuals, and is experiencing a great deal of resistance from those opposed to it. The arguments against homosexual marriage are as follows: it â€Å"ruins† the sanctity of traditional marriage, it flies in the face of normal, established society as people understand it, and people deem homosexual couples unfit for raising children. There are other arguments, but the majority of them seem, in my research, to be religion and values-based. My argument in this paper is that the decision whether or not to allow gays to be married is a rights-based issue, not values-based, and that people’s personal opinion on whether it is acceptable should not determine whether or not it is legal. The opposition to gay marriage stems from an overall social discomfort and intolerance of gays in general, and should not dictate le gislation. There is a systemic fear and lack of understanding of alternative lifestyles, and that leads to the prejudices that bring about gay marriage bans. Case, K., Stewart, B. (2009). Heterosexual Privilege Awareness, Prejudice, and Support of Gay Marriage Among Diversity Course Students.  College Teaching, 58(1), 3-7. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. In this study, Case and Stewart (2009) opted to evaluate the amount of homophobia and recognition of heterosexual privilege experienced by students in a diversity course throughout its run. Surveys were taken at the beginning and end of the course gauging the students’ sensitivity towards gays and lesbians, and they found that the participants grew more tolerant as a result of the diversity course. They became more aware of heterosexual privilege (namely, that their status as heterosexuals placed them at an advantage over homosexuals, as they had rights and social status that gays and lesbians do not), and even became more accepting of same-sex marriage. It also argues for the existence of sexuality-based diversity courses, instead of merely teaching about race and gender. This would improve education and raise acceptance of gays and lesbians and their right to marry. I would like to use this article as evidence that one way to create an environment that supports same-sex marriage is greater education and tolerance for minorities. The researchers were psychology professors at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, making them qualified to discuss attitudes and prejudices, and this study was published in 2010, making it a very recent case. NUSSBAUM, M. (2010). A right to marry?.  Dissent (00123846), 56(3), 43-55. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. In Nussbaum’s article, she makes the case that marriage in and of itself, much less same sex marriage, is difficult to define; there are many different marriages that do not include having children, or marriages that even occur without love. Therefore, it makes marriage very pluralistic and versatile. The point of this argument is that, because other marriages exist without some of the things that are normally associated with it, there is no reason to legalize a marriage between a same-sex couple, as it would have the exact same omissions of these aspects of marriage. Nussbaum (2010) even argues that the government should not be granted the right to allow marriages, much less deny them, as they are a governing institution, and should not have those rights. Nussbaum (2010) takes us through the history of marriage, and concludes that marriages even in the past were far less â€Å"traditional† than most opponents of gay marriage believe they are. Martha Nussbaum is a Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago, and the article is taken from her book, which was published in February 2010, making this a recent and reputable source. I will use this in my research to provide more factual arguments for marriage equality. Mills, R. (2009) Its time to allow gay marriage in Australia. The Punch. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from In this article, Mills (2009) argues the emotional points of view regarding his advocacy for gay marriage, mostly expressing incredulity that it has not happened yet. The facts and ideas presented within it are, for the most part, based on opinion, as it is an editorial piece. It expresses Mills’ (2009) opinion on same sex marriage, with a few statistics peppered in (50% of marriages ending in divorce, 60% of other Australians supporting same-sex marriage). Mills (2009) is an actor and musician, not a writer, and he bases his opinion on the subject on the experiences he has had with gay friends and relatives. As the subject of gay marriage is an emotional issue, it is important to include the more sympathetic, emotion-based appeals for its legalization. This article was written in 2009, so it is fairly recent, though it may not reflect the most current changes in gay marriage legislation. However, it merely provides an emotional opinion by its author in order to address the normal, reactionary arguments against gay marriage, such as religion-based opposition and claims that it damages traditional families. Mills also posits that gay couples should also be allowed to adopt kids, as there are plenty of loving families that would love to have children. The Case for Marriage. (2011) Australian Marriage Equality Working for equal rights for all   Australians. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from This article provides a more logical, sensible explanation for why same-sex marriage should be legalized. It explains how the couples would be advantaged as a result, namely allowing them to express their love for each other in the same way that heterosexuals do. It repeats the arguments that, regardless of personal opinion regarding gay marriage, it is not something that should be made illegal, as it is a basic human right. Currently, federal law states that it â€Å"is acceptable to exclude lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons from a central social institution, and that [their] relationships are inferior.† (2011) The primary case is that â€Å"no group of Australians should be systematically excluded from any legal institution,† which includes marriage. The author of this article is not listed specifically, but it is a piece of literature from the organization Australian Marriage Equality; therefore, it does work toward that agenda. Again, it is an opinion piece, but it provides logical arguments for allowing gay marriage (presenting it as a case of discrimination, as a group of people are being denied rights). It is important to understand the basic logical arguments in favor of gay marriage in order to grasp the aim of the research of this paper. CONCLUSION In summary, these three articles (and one study) will help to support my case that gays and lesbians should be granted the right to marry. Two of them provide emotional and logic based arguments for gay marriage, making impassioned pleas to those who oppose them to change their minds and see the error of their ways. One of those is an editorial from an average citizen, the other a piece of press from a gay rights advocacy group. A third article goes through the history of marriage itself, for the purposes of debunking the myth that marriage has always been a certain way, and that it should not be changed. It also explains the arguments against gay marriage, and why they are not sufficient to warrant a lack of legalization. Finally, there is a study that indicates that acceptance of same-sex marriage would be greater if people were educated in sensitivity toward minorities, and given a properly informed perspective towards homosexuals. This would allow them to allay their fears about homosexuals, and grant themselves a greater understanding of equality among individuals. All of my research sources are recent and relevant, as well as reputable. I believe they would have a great deal of use in my paper towards explaining the aforementioned points. The road to same sex legal marriages is a long one, and there is a great deal of opposition from many sides towards it. The only way to secure the rights for this group of people is to inform them of the flaws in their case for banning gay marriage, and showing them that allowing gays and lesbians to have rights is not something that will â€Å"ruin† marriage for the rest of the population.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Theory Of Morality As A System Of Hypothetical Imperatives...

Circular Reasoning in Foot’s Moral System In â€Å"Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives†, Philippa Foot argues against Immanuel Kant, that morality exists in hypothetical imperatives rather than categorical imperatives. For Kant, categorical imperatives alone serve as moral commands, and it would be impossible for a moral system to be based on hypothetical imperatives because such imperatives serve as means to ends and result from maxims that cannot be universalized into perfect duties. Despite this, Foot holds that acting on many hypothetical imperatives can be morally praiseworthy and can even serve as the basis of moral judgments. Although I agree with Foot that hypothetical imperatives can have moral worth, in this paper, I will argue that a morality based on the purposes that hypothetical imperatives are directed toward appears to be circular. To do this, I will explain Foot’s theory of how morality is known and binds. Then, I will argue that this theory is insufficient to explain the moral pur pose that hypothetical imperatives must be directed toward, thus begging the question of what is the moral basis of the purpose directed toward in the hypothetical imperative. To base morality on a system of hypothetical imperatives, Foot begins by explaining Kant’s distinction between hypothetical and categorical imperatives. According to Kant, a hypothetical imperative can be contrasted with a categorical imperative in that it commands an â€Å"action that is good to someShow MoreRelatedThe Flaws Of Foots Moral System Essay1519 Words   |  7 PagesFoots Moral System In â€Å"Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives,† Philippa Foot argues that moral judgments are in hypothetical imperatives rather than categorical imperatives. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Stocks Is Analysed Investors Being Held †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Stocks Is Analysed Investors Being Held? Answer: Introduction The discussion has been about handling the standards with the focus on the computer chip industry which includes the development of the contacts. Along with this, the focus is on handling the manufacturing of plants with employees who relate to the executives who tend to handle the Galleon on the company. The investment company boutiques are mainly influenced with the obsessive nature to minimise the expenses with the employees that ted to make the employees staying in budget hotel rooms (Look, 2011). The encouragement is through the sifting which is set with garbage and then taking hold of the professional meetings as well. The target is about the professional meetings with the research to handle the conducts and then setting the agencies that could easily collect the information (Colesanti, 2011). The research is about the ranks with becoming personality standards that has a major impact on the company culture. Main body of the report Answer 1: It has been seen that the information gathering techniques are similar which are for the common forms of the Wall Street. Here, the business perspectives are to make money with the trading that has been illegal. There are people who tend to allow and work on the wrapping of the ideas and making money when one lose the sight of fair and the unfair things. The belief is about the continuous issues with the trading that relates to the working with the problems that relates for thinking about the prevention or reducing the different types of the practices. The suggestion that the people engross is mainly based on the forms of the regulations and how the executives could work on properly suggesting a better development of the company. The use of the different types of the information with the gathering of the changes leads to the decision-making processes with the focus on handling the different standards which includes the larger amount of money. It is important for the employe es to work on the involvement with the company along with handling the ramifications to engage the act like the insider trading scenario (Rapoport, 2011). As per the analysis from the chapter, it has been seen that there are some of the insider trading activities which are completely unethical and that tend to violate the rights of the shareholders. The resources with the fuel of company success is depending upon how the managers and the executives do not own the resources. There are some of the unjust factors with the unpairing to the participants of stock trading industry (Kaplan et al., 2012). The information gathering techniques are common on Wall Street which are mainly to make the money. The standards are set for the investor to take hold of the information from the company with the check on handling the development by his/her own forecasting needs. There are some other hedging funds about information gathering techniques. The bottom line with the insider trading is found to b e illegal and then checking over the greediness and act with egoism. The loss of sight with the focus on maximising one own self-interest is important for the robust compliance and the supervisory acts and surveillance. The belief is mainly related to how the Wall St. has been able to find the evidence which is related to the study that is conducted by the professors. For this, there is a possibility to handle the results which are disturbing and then suggesting the enforcement of the law which is woefully behind (Agapova et al., 2013). The overwhelming factors consider the facts which relates to the prominent targets and the attraction of the headlines. The court rulings are the cases where the prosecution is done for the monitoring of devices. The information is based on attending the meeting with the phone calls and the other texts. They are important for receiving the information which is like easy way to handle the people and make the money. There are different accusations and the procedures which includes the trading at the Galleon process. The company works on the management of the large amount where Rajaratnam tend to get into trouble with the government forms. The regulators, investors and the other executives tend to work and keep a track of the information which includes the monitoring of the transactions. The suspicion is mainly to make use of the different information systems that tend to gather the monitoring and handling the forms which includes the trial to stop any of the illegal practice where the people tend to find and hide the standards. The check is on how to work with the practices with the information gathering techniques (Vishwanath, 2015). The Galleon Group has been based on the privately-owned hedg e funds with the firms that provide the services and the information related to the investments. The money is important for some people which is hard to stop or control mainly because the people always have a chance with the new and better schemes. The regulators, investors and the executives are set with the payments that include the attention for the companies that handle all the sudden changes and the investment of the larger sum of the money (Leasure, 2011). Answer 2: This is mainly including all the information which is related to handle the material information with the focus on the different self-explanatory and the obvious patterns. The focus is on handling the sharing of information with the laws that are set against doing and working like Rajaratnam have been prosecuted with. The sentence to the jail time for doing is through engaging oneself in the insider trading when one is not breaking the law. The entire reputation is at a shot (Khdir, 2016). It is important to work on the serving of the jail time and then releasing the facts from the jail where one is no longer able to handle the market with the breakage of the system. It has been illegal when it comes to the knowledge standards with the stock to trad and work towards the functioning that will lead to the decision-making process. As per my opinion, it is completely wrong and I will not be supporting that anyone would easily be persuaded or let the knowledge for the coercing t o decide related to the ethical hacking. For the trading and the tippers, there are consequences based on the insider trading which is found to be serious and include the times of the jails and the financial penalties which are for handling the penalties that are being barred from the industry (Gate, 2016). There are standards set for the stock industry market with the ins and outs with the deferring that is for the stock market decisions. One does not make one exempt from any scrutiny or the penalty which is based on the events of hiring the person who tend to violate the laws. The ethical, legal and the other privacy standards need to be checked with the want of how the colleagues, employees and the investors work on understanding the culture wfith the different business endeavours that run with transparency and in ethical form (Beny et al., 2012). There are different forms where I see that some of the illegal information has been gathered about the stock. Here, it is important to focus on making the decisions in relation to the stock. There is other decision process which are hard to find with the bringing of the revenue in the system. The things are boiled with the possibility that makes oneself into trouble with different types of information. The resources are set with the stock range that tend to decrease the time amount with easily determining the comfort and the invention of the stock range. The confidentiality of the information in the company also directly affects the process of trading as well (Jennings, 2012). There are other major implications which are related to the society, individual company, competitor companies and the stock market. The person works on the high ethical standards without making any use of the different information processes. The forms are set with the illegal forms with sharing the information that is unknown to the public. One needs to focus on handling the no longer success with closed market standards after the law is breaking. It has been set with persuasion with the personal standards or the knowledge that coerce into the making of the decisions. The information is about the validity with the prosecution witness that includes the functioning in the oversees bank account with the focus on the civil charges (Robert, 2010). The Rajaratnam works on handling the defence team with easily carrying the swift appealing forms with the criminal conviction. The argument is about the aggressive wiretapping with the federal investigations that relate to the working over the employing and gathering the evidence with the tactics over the forms with the insider trading case (Look, 2011). The appeals are related to the judicial permission with placing all the wiretaps that has been through the violation of the constitutional rights. The federal courts work on the arguments with unpers uasive and upholding the conviction process. The focus has been on the incrimination of the records and the conversations that does not become usable with the prosecution by trial. The forms are set with the upheld to handle the declined cases with the criminal penalty forms. Galleon case is about the largest investigation in the hedge funds set for the fraud and the consistency. The forms include the investments from the company with the additional rang of the stock exchange which are traded based on the allegedly non-pubic information. The financial status is related to how the companies work on the stock pricing and the shareholders. Answer 3: There are no secrete investigations where the focus is always to look around for the rules, with the new ways to communicate in a secret form. As per the understanding, Rajaratnam conviction does not tend to change any other forms of the fund managers. Here, the inventors from the sharing of the non-public information includes how the justice system works on setting the example which is related to the Galleon group. There are Rajaratnam thoughts about handling the trading which related to how the acts are done with the evaluation of the risks and the other benefits (Rawat et al., 2013). It is important to focus on the different risks factors and the benefits which related to the situations about how to deal with the trading if it meets to go to jail. The other companies work on being the higher standards, with the focus on the handling the orders with the forms that are related to the cases that believe in sharing any of the non-public information with getting ahead at the edge. The duty of disclosure is set with the seller obligations to disclose any of the information about the products and the consumers who try to buy and work till one hold the risks and the responsibility that harm the computer. The employees work on the conflict of interests with the focus on the incentives that must work on handling and serving the interest (Jennings, 2012). No, as per the experience and the work, there are mentioned forms which relates to handling the different number of the insider trading with the fraud going activities, in a rapid manner. The thought is about the finding and working on how the insiders can work over the filtering of the processes and then working over the different suspicious activities. The pay to the close attention to the different surroundings is based on the involvement of the circle of trust. It includes that one should not deter any of the infractions from occurring the dilemmas. The small and the unethical actions are found to be innocuous with the people rationalising the behaviour to justify it. The rationalisation process is based on the moral disengagement with the slippery slope effect with the retrieval of the information. I do not think that there is any of the secret investigation with the conviction of Rajaratnam or the other people who work on deterring the fund managers. The forms are set with shar ing the non-public information with the thought that someone will include the system outsmart functions (Reed, et al., 2013). I do not always think that someone with the outsmart of the system will lead to the exposure of the forms and data. Rajaratnam has been conspired without any other person to commit the fraud. Here, the trading secrets include the charges related to the insider trading practices. The use of the skills is set with gaining from working and handling the financial institutions which has been unethically conspired with the other companies. The information discussion is about the stocks which is not released to the generalised public yet. The accused standards are set with the forms without any of the recurrent criminal activity with the indicators of the continued anti-social, irresponsible or the violent behaviour (Master et al., 2011). The forms are set with the focus on handling the federal investigation with the claim that works towards agreement over the coope ration in the investigation against the forms to wire the fraud. Raj Rajaratnam has been arrested over the charge of the different securities with the wire fraud standards, where SEC works on the filing with the civil insider trading working over the different defence attorney to take hold of the public relations. The laws are based on the insider trading with the focus on the conviction that includes the trading on the information with the focus over the evidence related to the 45 records and the phone calls in between the individuals (Baker, 2016). The Rajaratnam has also told the employees for covering the evidences with the insider trading with the confidence related to the challenges for the prosecution to prove and handle the forms with the prosecution under the market closed. Galleon liquidated with the stock and the profit generation where the government has several key witnesses from the insider trading rings. The cooperation with the investigators is about the agreement wi th testifying against the Rajaratnam. The prosecution is based on the corruption and handling the standards with the challenges related to the actions with the implications related to the public equity offering (Raghavan, 2013). The new is about the government forms with the insider trading to handle the rings with the forms that include the rectification against the Rajaratnam. The convicts are about the insider trading which includes how the government had proven about the information where one could receive and acquire mainly through the insider sources (Jung, 2014). The information standards are set with the focus on the Galleons public announcements, with press release and the investor meetings. The acquiring, analysis and the making of the calculated predictions is based on the client investments with the access to the corporate executives. Here, the loss of money or the trading of the government is based on the inside information. Conclusions This relates to the facts which includes the forms where there is an illegal trading and the negativity is set. The company can cause to close with the decisions based on the choice of how one gets effected. The tasking and the using insider tips are related to acquiring of the wealth with the forms where Raj could have been able to maintain and work on the ethical state of mind. The commitments are based on how to handle the income for the company in a professional and the ethical manner (O Neill, et al., 2008). Here, Raj could have also worked on the methods to work on the Needham and Co., where one works to handle the execution in a professional and the ethical manner. The methods need to build and work over the analysis where one should not be worried of the different standards and the forms. Reference List Agapova, A. and Madura, J., 2013. Impact of the Galleon case on insider trading prior to company issued guidance. Baker, A., 2016. Raj Rajaratnam: Cheater (Revised). Beny, L.N. and Seyhun, H.N., 2012. Has insider trading become more rampant in the United States? Evidence from takeovers.the United States. Colesanti, J.S., 2011. Wall Street as Yossarian: The other effects of the Rajaratnam insider trading conviction.Hofstra L. Rev.,40, p.411. founded Galleon, R., Hedge Funds Must Follow Ethical Requirements. GATE, I.A.L., SEC Charges Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager Raj Rajaratnam with Insider Trading. Jennings, M.M., 2012. ARE THEY GOOD OR ARE THEY GREEDY? JPMORGAN CHASE, INA DREW, AND THE DANGERS OF MISGUIDED CHARACTER MEASUREMENTS.Corporate Finance Review,17(3), p.37. Jung, S.J., 2014. US v. Rajaratnam-No Gain without Pain: Amending the Sentencing Guidelines for Insider Trading to Better Reflect the Rapidly Evolving Financial Industry.New Eng. J. on Crim. Civ. Confinement,40, p.295. Kaplan, H.J., Matteo, J.A., Sillett, R. and Arkin Kaplan Rice, L.L.P., 2012, April. The history and law of wiretapping. InABA Sections of Litigation 2012 Section Annual Conference April(pp. 18-20). Khdir, S.H., 2016. Contemporary Financial Crimes of Employee Embezzlement and Insider Trading.International Journal of Social Sciences Educational Studies, p.140. Leasure III, C.E., 2011. Insurance Limited For Insider Trading Defense. LOOK, W.T., 2011. Insurance Limited for Insider Trading Defense.Message from Practice Leaders, p.10. Masters, B. and Correspondent, C.R., 2011. Suspicious pre-deal trades fall sharply.Financial Times,13. O'Neill, K.M., Peterson, C., Brownstein, D.K. and Case, I.T., 2008. SEC FILES COMPLAINT AND PROPOSED SET. Raghavan, A., 2013.The billionaires apprentice: The rise of the Indian-American elite and the fall of the Galleon hedge fund. Hachette UK. Rapoport, M., 2011. Rewriting pension history.The Wall Street Journal. Rawat, S.R., Raj, V., Manoharan, A. and Vineet, S., 2013. Rajat Gupta: An American Dream Upturned-A Case Study.Indian Journal of Corporate Governance,6(2), pp.42-51. Reed, M.M. and Brunson, R.R., 2013. Alleged Board Insider Trading: The Case of Rajat Gupta.Journal of Business Ethics Education,10, pp.339-360. Vishwanath, K.R., 2015. Book Review: Anita Raghavan, The Billionaires Apprentice: The Rise of the Indian American Elite and the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What Caused the American Colonies Decided to Declare Independence free essay sample

The colonists had a requirement for independence from Great Britain for a variety of reasons. The pressure was growing rapidly among Great Britain and the thirteen colonies because of the unfair laws that totally restricted borders and controlled them. Such as the existence of taxation without fair submission in the parliament, the rights of them to the collection were taken away by Britain. More than that, they were constantly intimidated. This is, in general, very weighty motives that they took to the hands of the England government in order to secede from Great Britain.King George III appears as the strongest complaint written in the Declaration of Independence. He most strongly angered the colonists by taxation without submission. None of the persons living in thirteen colonies had direct assemblies in the Parliament of Great Britain. This was the cause why they had no right to vote for who would represent them and how they would be taxed. We will write a custom essay sample on What Caused the American Colonies Decided to Declare Independence? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because of the deprivation of colonists of such rights, the British administration freely assessed taxes to the colonists when they wanted and the amount they wanted. The better part of the colonists feared that their property would be taken away because of unbearable tax earnings and the lack of opportunity to fight taxation. In 1767 The Townshend Law was announced. This law was regulated colonial trade and tax collection from them. The UK administration abused the rights of them as Englishmen. This was due to the fact that laws in England claimed that someone may not be taxed if he or she does not have a voice in the government. This gave rise to fear and anger that came from the free government that Britain had over the colonists. This continued until the war began. During the pre-revolutionary years, the British government introduced a number of laws on taxation. Nevertheless, the war amongst France and India was a struggle among Great Britain and France, which lasted from 1754-1763. This again aroused indignation among the colonists, because of debts, the United Kingdom began again to demand everything from the colonists.Since 1764, the United Kingdom began to strengthen control over the American colonies through acts. The Sugar Law was adopted to increase the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies. The UK adopted a currency law prohibiting colonies from issuing paper bills or bills due to the belief that the colonial currency devalued British money. In addition, in order to continue to support the British soldiers remaining in America after the war, Britain passed the Quartering Act in 1765. It was the 24th March when Britain passed the Law on Quartering Act. The reason for the quartering act of 1765 was at increasing the incomes of the British colonies in America. This became the source of disputes among some colonies and Great Britain in the years before the revolution.The British soldiers settled in the houses of the colonists. Just why the colonists had to arrange and feed them. The significant legislative act, which really violated the colonists, was the Press Act, adopted in 1765. This law required that stamps be purchased or included in various subjects and documents, such as playing cards, legal documents, newspapers and much more. This was, in general, the first direct tax that Britain imposed on the colonists. Events began to escalate with the passage of the Townshend Acts in 1767.The resolution of creating these taxes was to help colonial officials become independent of the colonists, giving them a source of income. It was this act that led to clashes between British troops and colonists, which caused the notorious Boston massacre. When the British soldiers opened fire on the crowd, showering them with ridicule. Several people were killed. The army was hurried out of the city. These unfair requests led to tension and anger and led the colonists to claim, as well as to the war of independence. Moreover, this led to the identification of evidence of unfair British control in all other countries. India was another country subjected to British dominance.India was subject to pressure like colonists. Many aspects of social life and religious beliefs were declared illegal by Britain only because the English considered them disgusting. In addition, the British also imposed unfair taxes on India. When they began to establish their supremacy over the provinces in India, the tax on salt grew very much. The salt tax blamed the Indian people for basic human need and forbade them to make their salt. These taxes were strict for Indian citizens and were severely condemned by them.Despite public protests regarding the salt tax, it continued to be in force from 1835 to 1946. While this tax was not abolished by President Jawaharlal Nehru.On the 4th July in 1776 the first colony to declare independence and on the 19th July all the 13 colonies declaration of independence. However, after declaring independence from Great Britain in 1776, the war would last for five years. England deployed an army of 300 thousand people. To suppress the rebellion of the American colonies could not collect an army of 55 thousand people, the best British commanders, and naval commanders rejected the kings proposals to fight with the Americans, the people looked at the campaign, so the king was waging as a fratricidal war.The complaints and protests against British pressure and control arose not only among the Americans but also among people living in British India. This fact proves precisely that British rule is irrational and unfair. The main outbreak of complaint, protest, and condemnation was the cause of unfair taxation and pressure with it on the colonists.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Narrator Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper Essays

Narrator Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper Essays Narrator Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Narrator Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Essay Topic: The Yellow Wallpaper The short story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, written by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, gives readers a first hand glimpse into the mind of a mentally disturbed woman fighting numerous and constant battles within herself and with others, one of them being post partum depression.The story is set in a historical period when it was typical for men to dominate over women.As illustrated in this story, the mentally disordered woman, possibly named Jane, is clearly at the mercy of her physician husband, John.He tells her what she can and cannot do, where she will sleep, and when she will take her medicine.Stetson consistently portrays the narrator as a progressively mentally disturbed woman that cannot seem to escape the thought that the wallpaper in her room takes on a life of its own while having some sort of power over her that she is not able to control.The unreliable narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† piques unceasing curiosity while describing mo re and more detailed and subjective ways she is reaching total insanity; telling the story from a first person point of view makes this story much more captivating than if told in a third person limited type narrative. By the woman’s early admittance that she is suffering from a temporary nervous depression, she immediately establishes herself as an unreliable narrator.An unreliable narrator is specifically defined as a narrator, whether in literature, film, or theatre, whose credibility has been seriously compromised.She further proves her unreliability throughout the entire story with example after example of obvious escalation of her illness.At an early point in the story she states, â€Å"if I were only well enough to write† and â€Å"I wish I could get well faster† (Stetson 649). These statements disclose to us some definite characteristics of an unreliable narrator sinceshe is openly admitting to being unwell.At another point she proclaims, â€Å"It is getting to be a great

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why Students Hate Monday

Why Students Hate Monday Hashtag: #FelizLunes (Happy Monday) Thank God Its Friday Not Monday So what is #FelizLunes about? We frequently hear of TGIF or Thank  God its Friday but we seldom find people excited about Monday. In fact, lyrics of the Bob Geldof’s â€Å"I don’t like Mondays† proposes that†nobody gonna go to school today†. The definition â€Å"Manic Monday† suggest that the day is commonly associated with depression, a feeling caused by the significant emotional pressure of coming to school or work. No wonder why the Bangles wished â€Å"it were Sunday cause that’s my fun day†, Fleetwood Mac’s â€Å"Monday Morning† see people â€Å"look more like a zombie on Monday†, and The Mamas The Papas are â€Å"crying all of the time† whenever Monday comes. A study of students’ perception of Monday morning suggests that their hesitation to come to school is not exactly about the day but the confusing and frustrating subjects scheduled on Monday. Others hate Monday because they need to wake up early, nothing interesting to do, and too tired from Sunday’s activities. WHY SOME STUDENTS HATE THEIR TEACHER? The difference between Monday and Friday according to literature disappear when someone developed a sense of personal growth or when work and life become inseparable. This model of personal growth and creativity suggest that students who hate Monday and seeing the difference between weekday  and weekend, and school day and holiday are not yet interested in personal growth. The work-based model of education, which is generally to developed students’ natural growth and creativity in one’s work, for instance, focuses on giving students the best professors, online resources, communication facility, and infrastructure where they can, in self-determined phase, collaborate, explore, and research. The Role of Teachers in Creating Happy Monday Most students hate the first day of school simply because Monday marked the end of the two enjoyable leisure day and beginning of long and challenging school week. However, Monday according to one article can be a day to look forward to if one can turn it into a less depressing day. Motivation plays an important role in TGIM or â€Å"Thank  God Its Monday† and for students, this is about looking forward to something enjoyable at school. For instance, a student who is really motivated about learning will wake up early and come to school Monday. In contrast, if the student is fearful of the classroom and more concern over his or her safety rather than education then Monday is a hateful day. Choices that students make and their drive to satisfy their needs for education are significantly affected by the school environment. For instance, a positive attitude towards learning can be developed by facilitating a learning environment that meets student needs. These include making the classroom an environment where mistakes are occasions of learning rather than opportunities for criticism. Classroom competition is also a motivational factor for adopting a more positive attitude for coming to school. Broadening the curriculum to include topics that interest students can improve a boring reading and writing classroom. Other motivating factors include a use of examples with which students can easily connect, an inclusion of more relevant reading materials, and students’ assignments with topics that they have not yet explored. Moreover, classroom activities that occasionally involved parents or members of the community can satisfy students’ social needs and eventually change their attitude towards learning positively.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Law of Personal Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Law of Personal Property - Essay Example The reluctance of the courts to interfere with the terms of the contract has led to the development of rules which relate to the 'incorporation' (whether the clause is a part of the contract) and 'construction' (whether the clause covers the breach). The potential of the approach has been limited by the House of Lords. Incorporation requires any clause to have been incorporated as a term of the contract for it to be effective. Incorporation of clauses, most commonly limited liability clauses may take place through one of the three ways which will be briefly discussed. Firstly it can be through inclusion in the contractual document duly signed by the other party. (L'Estrange v Graucob1) Secondly the clause can be incorporate through provision of reasonable notice at or before the time of contract, so if notice is provided late it will stand void (Chapelton v. Barry UDC2). Finally the clause may be incorporate through a 'course of dealing', which is presumed when exclusion clause had been part of the previous contracts that had been made between the parties. (Kendall (Henry) & Sons v. Lillico (William) & Sons Ltd)3 After establishing the incorporation the next issue is that on proper construction the particular breach which has occurred is covered by the clause. (Andrews v. Singer4) The courts have stated that due to the statutory provisions there is a lesser need for adoption of strained constructions of clauses so as to limit their scope.( Lord Wilberforce in Photo Production Ltd v. Securicor Transport Ltd.) Further at one point in time the Court of Appeal had stated that an exclusion clause would not apply where a fundamental breach had taken place. A fundamental breach has been said to occur when either there has been a breach of a particularly important term or through a breach depriving then entirety of the benefits of the contract to the other party. The exclusion clauses are now regulated by the statutory framework that is Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977(UCTA). It is important to point out that the Act operates alongside the common law and so it remains open to strike down a clause through the rules of common law without the need to take into account the effect of the UCTA. This can be best explained by saying that an argument of incorporation of the clause into the contract can be raised. Thus it can be said that the validity of a clause is entirely dependent on both common law and the statutory controls that is UCTA and Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999. The main or primary concern of Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 is to deal with the limitation and exclusion clauses and so it is not concerned with the unfair terms which are prevalent in a contract. The provisions are therefore essential concerned with business liability that the liabilities which arise in the course of a business. So if a private individual has laid down an exclusion clause then this would be subject to the common law rules which have been discussed. The course of business had been construed in R & B Customs Brokers v. UDT5 where it was found that certain contracts which are entered into by a business do not fall within the ambit of 'in the course of business' The different ways of limitation or exclusion of liability are found in s.13. Most of the provisions which have