Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response - 956 Words

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Crystal Lusk Walden University Family, Community, and Population-Based Care 4011-12 March 19, 2014 Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response A disaster is an event that is a natural or man-made occurrence that can disrupt or destroy the lives of those it affects (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Management of a disaster includes four phases; prevention, preparedness, response and recovery (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Hawaii’s isolation in the pacific lends itself to the possibility of many disasters from; floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, pandemics, and volcano eruptions (Schaefers, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to study emergency preparedness and response to†¦show more content†¦Handing out fliers on emergency kit preparation to the community through emergency preparedness fairs and health centers is one way to educate the public. During the recovery phase, the PHN assists the community to return to a state of normalcy as quick as possible. Recovery is often difficult and requires long-term support of the community health nurse in collaboration with state and national efforts aid (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). A nursing approach to recovery is to remain flexible and continually assess community needs and determine interventions that help to achieve pre-disaster life (Stanhope Lancaster, 2014). Many of Hawaii’s PHN are not prepared for an emergency or disaster so training through participation in disaster drills or actual disaster events is crucial (Baack Alfred, 2013). A best practice strategy is participation in one of the Hawaii disaster preparedness organizations such as; The Hawaii Medical Reserve Corps, which members are a cumulative of physician and nurse volunteers who want to serve their community when a disaster or public health emergency strikes (HMRC, 2014). The attendance of meetings, participation in preparedness exercises, and assistance in non-emergent community health activities all help the PHN to be prepared to respond quickly when needed in a disaster (HMRC, 2014). Summary Hawaii is known for its natural disasters from floods, earthquakes, and the changing environment, and also fromShow MoreRelatedEmergency Preparedness and Disaster Response in Schools979 Words   |  4 PagesEmergency Preparedness and Disaster Response in Schools Jennifer Cox Walden University NURS 4010 Section 06, Family, Community, and Population-Based Care May 5, 2013 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND DISASTER RESPONSE IN SCHOOLS The professional nurse uses clinical judgment and decision making skills to provide appropriate nursing care and collaborates with other health care professionals responding to the emergency or disaster. 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